Attitudes and Emotions Vocabulary

Table of Contents:


1. Throw yourself into (something) – To engage fully or enthusiastically in an activity or task.

Sarah threw herself into her studies, spending hours in the library every day.

2. Cheer up – To become happier or to make someone happier.

I brought my friend some flowers to cheer her up after a rough day.

3. Feel down – To feel sad or depressed.

After failing the exam, Tom felt down about his academic performance.

4. Get carried away – To become overly enthusiastic or excited about something

The kids got carried away playing in the park and lost track of time.

5. Come across as – To give a particular impression or appearance to others.

Despite his good intentions, his jokes often come across as rude.


6. Get into (something) – To become involved or interested in something.

Jack got into photography after receiving a camera for his birthday.


7. Be over the moon – To be extremely happy or delighted.

When she got the job offer, she was over the moon with excitement.

8. Look on the bright side – To focus on the positive aspects of a situation.

Even though she didn’t win the race, she looked on the bright side and celebrated her personal best time.

9. Be on the ball – To be alert, efficient, and ready to act.

The receptionist is always on the ball, making sure everything runs smoothly in the office.

10. Keep your cool – To remain calm and composed, especially in challenging situations.

Despite the stressful situation, he managed to keep his cool and handle it calmly.

11. Be green with envy – To be very jealous or envious of someone.

Seeing her sister’s new car, Jane was green with envy.

12. Be down to earth – To be practical, realistic, and unpretentious.

Despite his success, the CEO remained down to earth and approachable to all employees.

Omid Kalantar

Omid Kalantar

Omid Kalantar is an English Language Teaching (ELT) professor and researcher at Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) in Ecuador. He has extensive experience coaching exam candidates prepare for TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge C1 Advanced, iTEP, PTE, and Duolingo for more than a decade. He is also a former Cambridge Examiner. His expertise and research interests include various issues in applied linguistics, advanced level language proficiency, fluency, accuracy, and complexity in language production, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), materials development and curriculum design, and psycholinguistics. A complete list of his scholarly articles can be accessed on Google Scholar linked below.

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