TOEFL Speaking Questions: Sample Questions and Answers (2024)

TOEFL speaking sample questions

TOEFL Speaking Questions:


The TOEFL iBT Speaking questions assess your ability to communicate and use the English Language in academic environments such as at a university. In this part of the test, four speaking questions simulate real-life situations that usually happen inside and outside the classrooms. In this post, you can read, listen to, and practice with some TOEFL speaking sample questions and answers.

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TOEFL Speaking Questions

The TOEFL Speaking part has four questions: Question 1 asks you about your opinion about a topic, question 2 is about a campus announcement where two students discuss what was announced, question 3 is about an academic topic introduced by text and part of a lecture, and question 4 wants you to summarize an academic lecture given by a professor.

Let’s check out some sample questions from question 1 to question 4 together.


Question 1

Agree/Disagree Questions

Question: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Technology has made communication easier. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”


  • I wholeheartedly agree that technology has simplified communication in numerous ways. Firstly, platforms like social media and messaging apps enable instant communication regardless of geographical barriers. For instance, I can effortlessly video call my family overseas, fostering a sense of closeness despite the distance. Additionally, technological advancements in language translation tools facilitate cross-cultural communication, promoting global understanding and cooperation.

Question: “State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government should provide free healthcare for all citizens. Use specific details and examples to explain your opinion.”

  • Without a doubt, I firmly believe that government-funded healthcare should be accessible to all citizens. Firstly, equitable healthcare ensures the well-being of the entire population, irrespective of socioeconomic status. For instance, in countries with universal healthcare, individuals can seek medical attention without financial strain, leading to a healthier and more productive society. Moreover, providing free healthcare promotes social justice and reduces disparities in healthcare access, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and cohesive society.

Question: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Renewable energy sources are the future of global energy production. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

  • I strongly agree that renewable energy sources are pivotal for the future of global energy production. Firstly, renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, offers sustainable alternatives to finite fossil fuels, mitigating environmental degradation and climate change. For instance, countries investing in renewable energy have witnessed reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, preserving ecosystems and public health. Additionally, advancements in renewable energy technology are driving down costs and enhancing efficiency, making clean energy accessible and economically viable on a large scale.

Question: “State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Education should focus more on practical skills than theoretical knowledge. Use specific details and examples to explain your opinion.”

  • I agree that education should prioritize practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge. Firstly, practical skills equip individuals with the competencies needed to thrive in real-world scenarios, enhancing employability and adaptability in dynamic job markets. For instance, vocational training programs offer hands-on experience in fields like carpentry and plumbing, empowering individuals to pursue fulfilling careers in skilled trades. Moreover, integrating practical learning opportunities into education fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, preparing students to navigate complex challenges beyond the classroom.

Question: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Space exploration is worth the investment. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

  • I strongly agree that space exploration justifies the investment for numerous compelling reasons. Firstly, space exploration drives scientific innovation and technological advancement, yielding spin-off technologies that benefit society as a whole. For instance, developments in robotics for space missions have applications in healthcare, telecommunications, and environmental monitoring, enriching human lives on Earth. Additionally, space exploration expands our understanding of the universe and our place within it, which leads to the exploration beyond our planet.
Opinion Questions

Question: Some people prefer to live in a small town, while others prefer to live in a big city. Which do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  • Sample Answer: I prefer living in a small town for several reasons. Firstly, small towns often have a strong sense of community where neighbors know each other and are willing to help. For example, when I was living in a small town, my neighbors helped me shovel snow from my driveway during winter storms. Secondly, small towns usually offer a quieter and less hectic lifestyle compared to big cities. In a small town, I can enjoy peaceful surroundings and escape the noise and pollution of urban areas.

Question: Some people believe that it is better to work for a company, while others believe that starting a business is the best option. Which do you agree with? Use specific details and examples to explain your choice.

  • Sample Answer: I believe that starting a business is the best option for several reasons. Firstly, as a business owner, I have the freedom to pursue my passions and create something meaningful. For instance, I started a small bakery because I have always been passionate about baking and wanted to share my creations with others. Additionally, owning a business allows for greater financial potential compared to working for a company. While working for a company may provide stability, starting a successful business can lead to greater financial independence and opportunities for growth.

Question: Some people think that it is better to travel alone, while others believe it is more enjoyable to travel with a companion. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

  • Sample Answer: Generally speaking, I prefer traveling with a companion. Firstly, traveling with someone else allows for shared experiences and memories that can enhance the overall enjoyment of the trip. For example, when I traveled to Europe with my best friend, we shared unforgettable moments exploring new cities and trying local cuisines together. Additionally, traveling with a companion provides a sense of security and support, especially in unfamiliar or challenging situations. Having someone to rely on during travels can alleviate stress and make the experience more enjoyable.

Question: Some students prefer to take classes in person, while others prefer online classes. Which do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your preference.

  • Sample Answer: I believe that online classes offer several advantages over in-person classes. Firstly, online classes provide greater flexibility and convenience for students with busy schedules or other commitments. For example, as a working professional, I find it easier to balance my job and studies by taking online classes at my own pace. Additionally, online classes often utilize a variety of multimedia resources and technologies to enhance learning experiences that students can engage with in diverse and interactive ways, promoting deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

Question: Some people prefer to spend their free time indoors, while others enjoy outdoor activities. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

  • Sample Answer: I enjoy spending my free time outdoors for several reasons. Firstly, outdoor activities offer opportunities for physical exercise and recreation, which are essential for maintaining health and well-being. For instance, I enjoy hiking in nature reserves and cycling along scenic trails to stay active and relieve stress. Additionally, spending time outdoors allows for a deeper connection with nature and appreciation of the environment. Whether it’s admiring a breathtaking sunset or listening to the sounds of wildlife, outdoor experiences can evoke a sense of awe and wonder that is unmatched by indoor activities.

Question 2

Sample 1:

The Text:

Changes to Campus Dining Options

The university administration has announced plans to revamp the campus dining options in response to student feedback and evolving dietary preferences. Beginning next semester, several new dining venues will be introduced, offering a wider range of healthy and culturally diverse food choices.

The changes include the addition of a vegetarian and vegan-friendly cafeteria, as well as food trucks specializing in international cuisine. Furthermore, the university plans to partner with local farmers and suppliers to source fresh, sustainable ingredients for its meals.

These enhancements aim to provide students with more nutritious and satisfying dining experiences while promoting sustainability and culinary diversity on campus.


The Conversation:

Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.

**Male Student:** Everything alright?

**Female Student:** Yeah, I’m excited about the new dining options they’re introducing next semester.

**Male Student:** Me too. It’ll be nice to have more variety.

**Female Student:** Definitely. And having a vegetarian and vegan cafeteria is a big win for students with dietary restrictions.

**Male Student:** I agree. Plus, the focus on sourcing local and sustainable ingredients is great for the environment.

**Female Student:** Exactly. It shows that the university is listening to students’ concerns about healthy and ethical eating.


The Question:

Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.

The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds


Sample 2:

The Text:

Introduction of Mental Health Awareness Program

The university is launching a new mental health awareness program aimed at supporting students’ emotional well-being and destigmatizing mental health issues. The program will offer workshops, support groups, and online resources to help students manage stress, anxiety, and depression effectively.

Additionally, the university plans to provide training sessions for faculty and staff to recognize signs of mental distress and offer appropriate support to students in need. The program’s goal is to create a more supportive and empathetic campus community where students feel comfortable seeking help for their mental health concerns.

The Conversation:

Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.

**Male Student:** Hey, did you read the announcement about the mental health program?

**Female Student:** Yeah, I’m glad the university is finally taking steps to address mental health.

**Male Student:** Me too. It’s important for students to have access to resources and support.

**Female Student:** Definitely. And the training for faculty and staff is crucial for creating a supportive environment.

**Male Student:** Agreed. It’ll help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

**Female Student:** Exactly. I hope this program encourages more students to seek help when they need it.

The Question:

Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.

The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds

Sample 3:

The Text:

Introduction of Sustainability Initiatives

The university administration has announced a series of sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental conservation on campus. These initiatives include the installation of solar panels, the implementation of recycling programs, and the adoption of energy-efficient technologies.

Furthermore, the university plans to incorporate sustainability education into its curriculum, encouraging students to learn about environmental issues and participate in eco-friendly initiatives. The goal is to create a more environmentally conscious campus community that actively contributes to sustainability efforts.

The Conversation:

**Male Student:** Everything alright?

**Female Student:** Yeah, I’m excited about the new sustainability initiatives the university is launching.

**Male Student:** Me too. It’s important for us to reduce our carbon footprint.

**Female Student:** Definitely. And I’m glad they’re incorporating sustainability into the curriculum.

**Male Student:** Agreed. It’ll raise awareness and encourage more students to get involved.

**Female Student:** Exactly. We all need to play our part in protecting the environment.

The Question:

Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.

The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds

Sample 4:

The Text:

Expansion of STEM Scholarship Program

The university is expanding its scholarship program for students pursuing degrees in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The program aims to attract talented students to these disciplines and support their academic and career aspirations.

Under the expansion, the university will offer a greater number of scholarships covering tuition, accommodation, and research expenses for eligible STEM students. Additionally, the program will provide mentorship opportunities and networking events to help students succeed in their chosen fields.

The goal of the expansion is to foster innovation and excellence in STEM education and empower students to become future leaders in scientific research and technological innovation.

The Conversation:

Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.

**Male Student:** Have you heard the latest announcement?

**Female Student:** Yeah, I’m thrilled about the expansion of the STEM scholarship program.

**Male Student:** Me too. It’ll make STEM education more accessible for talented students.

**Female Student:** Definitely. And the mentorship opportunities will be invaluable for our career development.

**Male Student:** Agreed. It’s great to see the university investing in the future of STEM.

**Female Student:** Exactly. I hope this encourages more students to pursue careers in these fields.

The Question:

Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.

The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds

Question 3

Sample 1:

The Text:

Mimicry in Nature

Mimicry is a fascinating phenomenon observed in nature, where one species evolves to resemble another species. There are two main types of mimicry: Batesian mimicry and Müllerian mimicry. In Batesian mimicry, a harmless species mimics the appearance of a harmful or toxic species to deter predators. On the other hand, Müllerian mimicry occurs when two or more harmful species evolve similar appearances, thereby reinforcing the learned avoidance behavior of predators.

Mimicry can take various forms, including visual, auditory, or olfactory resemblance to the model species. It often involves specific adaptations in coloration, body shape, behavior, or vocalizations to deceive predators or prey.



Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.

Using examples from the lecture, explain the concepts of Batesian mimicry and Müllerian mimicry in nature, including the specific adaptations involved and their ecological significance.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds

Sample 2:

Defensive Adaptations of Prey

Prey species have evolved various defensive adaptations to evade predators and increase their chances of survival. These adaptations include camouflage, warning coloration, and physical defenses such as spines, shells, or toxins. By blending into their surroundings or displaying warning signals, prey can reduce their risk of predation and improve their overall fitness.

Camouflage is a common defensive strategy employed by prey species to avoid detection by predators. This can involve cryptic coloration, mimicry of objects in the environment, or disruptive coloration to break up the body outline and make the prey less conspicuous.

Warning coloration, also known as aposematism, involves the use of bright colors or distinctive patterns to signal toxicity or unpalatability to potential predators. Prey species that possess chemical defenses or toxins often exhibit warning coloration to advertise their dangerous nature and deter predators from attacking them.

Physical defenses such as spines, thorns, or shells provide a physical barrier against predators and reduce the likelihood of successful predation. These structures can make it difficult for predators to capture or consume the prey, increasing their chances of survival.


Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.

Using examples from the lecture, discuss the defensive adaptations of prey species and how they help them survive in their environments. Include specific examples of camouflage, warning coloration, and physical defenses.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds

Omid Kalantar

Omid Kalantar

Omid Kalantar is an English Language Teaching (ELT) professor and researcher at Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) in Ecuador. He has extensive experience coaching exam candidates prepare for TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge C1 Advanced, iTEP, PTE, and Duolingo for more than a decade. He is also a former Cambridge Examiner. His expertise and research interests include various issues in applied linguistics, advanced level language proficiency, fluency, accuracy, and complexity in language production, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), materials development and curriculum design, and psycholinguistics. A complete list of his scholarly articles can be accessed on Google Scholar linked below.

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